
A township tale crafting
A township tale crafting

“It’s almost like manual labour, with just about everything you do in the game requiring some thought and physical effort from the player.”

a township tale crafting

Players will level up their capabilities too, with new skills unlocked to make crafting easier. It helps strengthen the medieval setting of the game, with the sense of discovery that comes with crafting new items or discovering new materials certainly proving rewarding throughout. There are a ton of different roles to take on and an abundance of recipes to learn, with the game’s sense of progression built around crafting new and improved items. It is a big and abandoned area that players discover after all, and with no NPCs to do jobs for you, it’s time to get to work.

a township tale crafting

Whilst that may be off-putting to some, I found it to be a neat idea that put an emphasis on making an effort. It’s almost like manual labour, with just about everything you do in the game requiring some thought and physical effort from the player. Don’t hit the nail properly? Expect it to bend out of place. Need to hit some nails in? Better make a hammer by combining a stick and a rock together and do some whacking. This was evident from the get-go with the basic backpack I made, which required me to find sticks and grass, and then piece the shape of the backpack together manually.

a township tale crafting

There’s no magic way of crafting items here – players have to manually do everything, from chopping down trees with an axe, mining ore in caverns, to mixing items within the likes of a smelter or furnace. The core experience of A Township Tale is based around settling within an abandoned town that you’ve discovered, with players uncovering all sorts of tools in order to craft new items.

A township tale crafting